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Treating folks, like you, who move for a living and love to move


Author: Richard Symister

10 Steps to Fixing Knee Pain on Stairs: Step #4: What’s Your Knee History?

Do you have an old knee injury, maybe a meniscus or ACL, that never fully healed? Have you been tolerating intermittent bouts of pain ever since?

Pain absolutely saps your knee joint muscle strength. 

Acute or chronic knee joint pain can cause havoc on your muscles’ ability to produce force. In other words, pain makes the muscles weak, limiting their ability to stabilize or help you squat, lunge, and of course, go upstairs.

Guess what’s the most common deficit we find with our chronic knee pain clients? It’s quadriceps strength. And one of the most common movement problems? You got it! Negotiating stairs. Unfortunately, the pain/dysfunction equation can be an ongoing cycle:

The main point here is that if you suffer from any unresolved knee issue in the tissue, it will be that much more difficult to condition them for stairs and other fundamental movements. 

🧐 Try this: Break the pain cycle

Don’t fret. There’s usually a solution to dealing with your acute or chronic knee pain. In fact, MovEvolution has seen almost miraculous results treating clients who either never fully completed their knee physical therapy or had to end their physical therapy once their insurance benefits were exhausted.  

Seek out folks who absolutely love knees, who can explain what’s causing your knee pain with a clear body blueprint, and will design a great training roadmap outlining your homework and goals. 

Deal with your knee pain now. Get strong. Show those stairs who’s boss. Go to the knee specialists HERE.

Heal. Move. KNOW YOUR HISTORY. Evolve.

Sign up for our free workshop: 10 Steps to Fixing Knee Pain on Stairs! Want more info click HERE.

Your next step! Read Step #5: Get Your Wind Back HERE!