Treating people who move for a living, and love to move
What is TeleMedicine?
TeleMedicine allows MovEvolution to perform Physical and Performance Therapy remotely through the use of a digital medium (android, table, laptop, desktop).
Why TeleMedicine?
Save time. No more taking time traveling to and from your Physical or Performance Therapy sessions, or looking for parking.
Save money. Same great service, but a bit less out of your pocket!
Consistency. Having your sessions at home helps with your compliance and accountability.
Satisfaction and positive outcome. Theresearch speaks for itself.
Flexibility. We offer flexible time slots and try our best to accommodate waiting lists.
Convenience. There’s no place like home.
Accessibility. Moving, traveling, or just too far away? Our MovEvolution TeleMedicine has no distance boundaries … as long as you have an internet connection.
Check out our Bite-Size BLOGs and get some valuable news you can use!
What are the costs of TeleMedicine?
We know many of you are feeling the pinch and a little bit stressed during these strange times, dealing with the virus, social distancing, and quarantine. We want to assure you that MovEvolution is doing its best to work with you and your insurance companies to:
streamline Telemedicine access
get concrete reimbursement info
keep TeleMedicine costs down (I.e., reducing or waiving copayment/deductible)