Treating folks, like you, who move for a living and love to move


Author: Richard Symister
Physical Therapists, When Should Your Runners Run?Physical Therapists, Know When to Answer the Question, “When Can I Run?”

MovEvolution Physical Therapy had a wonderful experience last Saturday at Chris Johnson’s When Can I Run? workshop, hosted by Equilibrium Physical Therapy, New York.
Not only did I have the chance to meet Chris (who has been quite generous in the past sharing his clinical expertise with me) but also the owner of Equilibrium Physical Therapy, Matthew Rome, and his hospitable staff.
Brooklyn is full of runners, from recreational to elite, grade school to senior. One of our main goals at MovEvolution Physical Therapy is to help our runners achieve rehab success stories as efficiently as possible. This means knowing when to return our runner to the Brooklyn streets.
I’ve taken many good running courses. But never have I gained so much practical, applicable and adaptable information as I did at When Can I Run?. First day back in the studio, I was already using Chris’s single limb stance screening tool with a client wishing to run a 5K obstacle course. I’m anxious to try a few of his oscillatory and PNF techniques on an elite runner recovering from a hamstring pull.
When Can I Run? offers lots of demos and lab with hands-on practice. Be prepared to bare your feet because everyone gladly gets involved!
Chris teaches from the heart and is passionate, as he is knowledgeable, about the subject matter of running. He kept the workshop lively and interesting with visuals, real life demos and an engaging and sincere personality. His presentation flowed with smooth transition, without diverging from main topics or overloading his audience with irrelevant info.
From lace tips to training tips, When Can I Run? gives the physical therapist many useful, up-to-date, evidence-based tools for his tool box. I highly recommend this workshop to any physical therapist who has or envisions having running clientele. I have reached a new level of confidence in treating the injured runner.