(718) 522-2658

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Treating folks, like you, who move for a living and love to move


Author: Mazhar

Should I choose physical or performance therapy?

PHYSICAL THERAPY is designed for clients recovering from injury, surgery, or painful orthopedic conditions.

Goals of Physical Therapy:

  • Settle down irritated painful tissue
  • Speed recovery and promote healthy healing
  • Restore the body to previous levels of fundamental movement 
  • Decrease compensatory motions and wasted/misdirected energy

PERFORMANCE THERAPY is perfect for clients who wish to unlock their fitness potential, maximize their athletic capacity, and improve performance in life and sports.

Goals of performance therapy:

  • Improve strength, power, balance, agility, and endurance
  • Increase mobility and movement
  • Improve body function and overall performance
  • Decrease compensatory motions and wasted energy